
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tell the truth and and apply the constitution.

8:59 AM

Tell the truth and apply the constitution.

One of the reason Venezuela needs a real leader is that Chavez´s prostration has given Cuba unhealthy sway over events in the country.  Cuba´s influence was already considerable: It provides Chavez with intelligence and security advisers in return for Venezuela Oil.  While he is in La Habana, theVenezuelan  president is under Cuban control.  The Cuban appear to have brokered a deal under which Maduro and Cabello - potencial rivals - ostentatiously declared their brotherly love and insisted that there was no need for a physical inauguration.  Just imagine the fuss that most Latin Americans.would make about foreign interference were the United States playing the part that Cuba has taken in Venezuela ´s internal affairs.

What is missing in all this, as Venezuelan´s opposition repeatedly pointed out, is any independent verification of Chavez medical condition.  If there a genuine prospect of his resuming office, Mr. Maduro should formally take over until that time comes.  If not, a fresh election should be called.  Indeed, it would be in the chavista´s interest to hold such a poll soon so as to capitalise on sympathy for Chavez.

Yet everything suggest that, in defiance of the Venezuelan constitution Chavez will remain president, even if only in name. That ought to be unacceptable to Venezuelan´s partners in the Mercosur trade block , led by Brazil.  Last year they suspend Paraguay´s membership after its left -wing president was impeached - constitutionally , albeit with unseemly haste. They should now similarly suspend Venezuela until it adheres to its own constitution. Sadly,  when it come to defending democracy in Latin America, double standards too often trump principles. Treating Chavez like an absolute monarch whose reign lasts until his dying breath is weakening the cause of democracy in the region.

Harol Verano Corredor

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