
Monday, July 9, 2012

Barter means no bad debts.

Barter means no bad debts.

Sphero Media Barter Network trading takes the hassle out of collections. When you make a barter sale to a Sphero Media Barter Network client, you call in advance for authorization to verify that your client (the buyer) has the Trade Dollars to pay for their purchase from you. Then, upon order completion or delivery, a simple signed transaction slip submitted to Sphero Media Barter Network will confirm the transfer of funds. It's that simple.

Harol Verano Corredor

Barter Moves Excess Inventory & Fills Idle Production Time

Barter Moves Excess Inventory & Fills Idle Production Time

Every business owner struggles with the dilemma of what to do with extra inventory or idle production time. When you join Sphero Media Barter Network, barter provides a tool to put that excess to use in profitable ways. We accomplish this by matching your product or service with businesses looking to purchase them on trade. It's a win-win situation.

Harol Verano Corredor

Barter improves cash flow.

Barter improves cash flow.

There are two main ways of to increase cash flow - more sales and reduced costs. Barter does both! Barter allows you to pay for what you need with what you have - allowing you to preserve working capital for other needs. When you use barter instead of cash to purchase needed products and services - you reduce your cash costs by paying for them with revenue generated by new barter sales. When you purchase something using Sphero Media Barter Network Trade Dollars, it will be paid for with new sales . . . sales that probably would not have happened without Corporate Barter Network.

Harol Verano Corredor

What are the benefits of trading with Sphero Media Barter Network?

What are the benefits of trading with Sphero Media Barter Network?

1. Barter Generates New Customers allowing you to expand your market and maintain your cash paying customers. This is incremental business - customers who bypass competing businesses to do business with you.
2. Barter Conserves Cash and Increases Profits: Barter creates new customers because buyers are motivated to pay with their products or services and save cash. Simply put - if you had to purchase a copier for $1000 - what would you rather do? Write a check or pay with an equal amount of your product/service at its normal selling price to a new customer? Most businesses prefer to trade and conserve cash.
3. Barter Moves Excess Inventory: Retailers: Retailers must keep their inventory moving. Each season, customers shop for the most current merchandise. Sphero Media will bring you buyers to move excess inventory, eliminating the advertising costs and heavy discounting otherwise needed to accomplish this.
4. Manufacturers/Wholesalers: We can coordinate the selling of your surplus inventory, while helping you obtain the best possible prices for your products. We negotiate for you to receive either the going price in the marketplace or at least your full normal selling price to distributors. This allows you to maintain your current pricing integrity as well as upgrading your return on investment.
5. Increase Productivity by Filling Downtime and Unused Capacity: Service Business: Increase billable hours! If you are not at 100% capacity twelve months a year and can handle new customers, we can help you fill your idle time with new business opportunities. And now you will have trade dollars to purchase what you need. Hotels: Suppose you have 10 vacant rooms at $100 a night and you need a new brochure for $1000. Barter provides a way for you to buy your brochure, fill your rooms (at your cost on the rooms) and maintain your cash. Manufacturers: If you are currently operating at 90% capacity, going to 93% changes very little in the cost of production. Wouldn't it make sense to take on a new barter customer to cover the cost of next year's product catalog?
6. Networking Expands Your Customer Base: Barter customers will bring you all of the cash referrals that your present clients bring. You will gain new cash paying customers too - as long as you give your barter customers the same great services and pricing as you offer everyone else.

Harol Verano Corredor

How does Sphero Media Network bring you new business?

How does Sphero Media Network bring you new business?

Consider how many potential customers you could connect with through a barter network. Networking is a very important part of business and in the barter atmosphere you already have the attention of potential customers. People are more willing to barter in a difficult economy and after the initial barter become long time customers which leads to more profit for you. Barter or trade is a powerful tool that represents a solution for companies with available inventory or services. By accepting payment in trade dollars instead of cash, a business maximizes their efficiency by increasing inventory turnover or billable hours. Using the trade dollars earned, that company can purchase goods or services they want without paying cash.

Harol Verano Corredor

Harol Steve Verano Corredor

Harol is an Integrated Marketing Communications Consultant and Talent Acquisition Advisor working with Advertising and Media Agencies.


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